Antioxidant effect of green tea

Antioxidant effect of green tea

Green tea is well-known for its antioxidant properties, which can be attributed to the presence of various bioactive compounds, particularly polyphenols. The main polyphenols found in green tea are catechins, with epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) being the most abundant and potent antioxidant among them.

Antioxidants are substances that can neutralize or counteract harmful molecules called free radicals, which are produced as by-products of normal metabolic processes in the body and can cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is linked to various health problems, including inflammation, aging, and certain chronic diseases.

The antioxidant effects of green tea have been studied extensively, and they have been found to provide several health benefits.

1. Cellular protection.

The antioxidants in green tea can help protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. This protection can extend to various organs and tissues in the body.

2. Cardiovascular health.

Green tea consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, primarily due to its ability to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and protect against the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol).

3. Anti-inflammatory properties.

Green tea’s antioxidants can help reduce inflammation in the body, which is crucial in managing various chronic diseases, including arthritis and certain cancers.

4. Skin health.

The topical application of green tea extracts or the consumption of green tea has been linked to improved skin health, attributed to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

5. Brain health.

Some research suggests that green tea antioxidants may have neuroprotective properties and could play a role in protecting the brain from age-related cognitive decline and certain neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

6. Cancer prevention.

Although the evidence is not conclusive, some studies suggest that the antioxidants in green tea may help inhibit the growth of cancer cells and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer.

It’s important to note that while green tea offers numerous potential health benefits, its effects may vary depending on the individual, their lifestyle, and other dietary factors. Additionally, excessive consumption of green tea may lead to adverse effects due to its caffeine content, so it’s best to consume it in moderation.

Overall, incorporating green tea into a balanced diet can be a beneficial way to harness its antioxidant properties and potentially improve overall health. However, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice, especially if you have specific health concerns or conditions.

People have been drinking green tea for centuries. This is he probably one of the oldest drinks in history. Have you ever wondered why you drink green tea? Well, studies have proven that drinking green tea has many health benefits. Good feeling. The animal kingdom needs oxygen to survive, and that includes humans.

Oxygen is essential for body processes. This element is abundant in the air and, with proper intake, burns glucose and body fat, providing the body with the heat and energy it needs. It may have an adverse effect.

A by-product of oxidation is a free radical. Occasionally, other molecules interact with free radicals, so these molecules can also turn into free radicals and disrupt the normal functioning of these molecules.

Aberrant molecular function can lead to certain degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, cancer, heart disease and Parkinson’s disease. Humans are very lucky that their bodies have enough defenses to prevent the harmful effects of free radicals.

Consuming plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables prevents harmful free radicals in the human body.Apart from fruits and vegetables, you can also get antioxidants from green tea. Eating fruits and vegetables in moderation can help prevent disease and cell damage.

Tea tree, or Camellia sinensis, is known for its disease-fighting antioxidants. The Chinese have used tea tree for centuries, and green tea can usually be found in every home. Believe it or not. Outside of China, green tea is widely used in Thailand, India and Japan.


Traditional Chinese and Indian medicines contain green tea

This is because it functions as a stimulant, astringent (to treat wounds and control bleeding), diuretic (to promote urine excretion), and an agent that can promote heart health. provide the health benefits of Tea also contains other ingredients that enhance its antioxidant properties.

Catechins are powerful antioxidants. Additionally, green tea contains vitamins C, E, and A. It also has anti-cancer, anti-neurological, anti-cardioprotective and anti-bacterial properties. Green tea is known to prevent cancer through an antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate.

Now that you know the benefits of drinking green tea, why not try it? The healing wonders of green tea will improve your overall health. There are many very affordable green tea products on the market today. There is food. For optimal health and wellness, try incorporating green tea into your diet.

If you are on a diet or want to maintain your current weight, it is also effective to drink green tea before, during, and after meals. However, always remember that overdoing anything can be dangerous.


Benefits of drinking green tea

He is one of the healthiest drinks in the world. According to Harvard Medical School, it’s rich in flavonoids that help reduce inflammation, lower bad cholesterol, and reduce the chance of heart attacks and strokes. That doesn’t mean that you can do it

A cup of coffee contains three times as much caffeine as a cup of green tea (from 95 milligrams to about 30 milligrams), but this doesn’t make green tea a bedtime drink. Just like you shouldn’t drink caffeinated coffee two hours before, you should avoid drinking it at night.

“Green tea before bed definitely has caffeine, so it’s not the best idea,” says Sarah Adler, R.D.N. and author of Simply Real Eating. A drink or two early in the morning or at noon will help.”

Green tea is very beneficial when consumed once or twice a day. Green and black tea contain high levels of oxalates, according to the National Institutes of Health, so if you have a history of kidney stones, consider limiting your intake to two cups.

Green tea contains cancer-fighting polyphenols and can help you lose weight due to its ability to burn fat and boost your metabolism. Green tea also helps regulate Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease (diseases directly related to damaged nerve cells in the brain) through catechins, compounds that protect nerve cells in the brain from damage such as from accidents and head injuries. ) may also help protect against Excessive normal deterioration. Catechins can also kill the bacteria in your mouth that cause bad breath and fight common viruses such as the flu.

“Green tea also contains high amounts of antioxidants,” says Adler. “It really helps your body to reduce toxins naturally, and slows down the aging process, and also reduces inflammation, which really allows the body to heal internal injuries and fatigue.”

So when is the right time to drink green tea and not risk it ruining your sleep schedule?

Green tea is rich in the amino acid L-theanine, which has powerful anti-anxiety and dopamine-enhancing properties, says Meg Riley, a certified sleep science coach at Amerisleep. As such, it can help you relax on a stressful morning.

“Theanine in green tea reduces stress-related hormones such as cortisol,” says Riley. It also helps to moderate the activity of nerve cells in the brain, and drinking green tea during the day has been shown to improve the quality of sleep that night.

In addition to the effects of green tea and caffeine

Additionally, the caffeine in green tea makes you drowsy, so it’s important to stop drinking it at least two hours before hay.

It’s true that green tea doesn’t contain as much caffeine as coffee drinkers do, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t contain enough caffeine to keep you awake at night. Eating a little in the morning can give you a boost of energy and even wake up your brain for your daily activities.

“The caffeine in green tea can stimulate alpha brain waves, which are associated with a sense of alertness and calmness in the body, which is far from the tremor you feel after drinking coffee.” says Adler. He explained that this balance of alertness and composure is the best of both worlds.

On the other hand, decaffeinated green tea contains only 2 milligrams of caffeine, which is not enough to affect sleep. The problem here, however, is that in order to keep the tea free of natural caffeine, it has to go through a highly processed and actually far more unhealthy process.

“Choosing decaffeinated green tea may not provide as many health benefits as regular green tea. Decaffeinated coffee strips away some of the powerful antioxidants in tea. It’s because,’ says Riley. Damn.

Decaffeinated coffee isn’t quite as good as its natural brother, so it’s best to stick to regular green tea and enjoy it in the morning and evening.

[Also read articles about how to be healthy]

Antioxidant effects of green tea cholesterol level

Exceeding the normal limit or so-called hypercholesterolemia can lead to the formation of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. It is due to Green tea is a natural ingredient with lipid-lowering properties. Green tea contains antioxidant compounds

Antioxidant effect of green tea

, especially catechins, especially epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG), which play an important role in lowering blood cholesterol levels. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of antioxidants in green tea on cholesterol levels.The study was in the form of a literature review by searching data in his three databases: PubMed, ClinicalKey and Google Scholar. is taking The keywords are green tea/green tea, cholesterol/cholesterol, antioxidants/antioxidants. Twelve publications were reviewed after being selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Of the 12 publications reviewed using experimental research methods with subjects and research animals fed green tea (extract, EGCG, PPE), all showed a significant reduction in serum cholesterol levels after green tea consumption. In conclusion, antioxidants in green tea can lower cholesterol levels.